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Web resource/Digital Article
General website that contains CRP related information, may be non-specific or general or mixed resources on a website. Article published on-line. Not available as paper version.
Video-Based Communication Assessment of Physician Error Disclosure Skills by Crowdsourced Laypeople and Patient Advocates Who Experienced Medical Harm: Reliability Assessment With Generalizability Theory


This research article explores the use of a video-based communication assessment app to evaluate physician error disclosure skills. The study uses the generalizability theory to assess the reliability of crowdsourced laypeople and patient advocates in rating these skills, utilizing the Video-Based Communication Assessment app, which has not yet been evaluated for its effectiveness in medical harm scenarios. The researchers conducted a comparative analysis of crowdsourced laypeople and patient advocates as raters of physician error disclosure communication skills. The results of this study demonstrate that crowdsourced laypeople have the potential to provide reliable assessments of physician error disclosure skills. However, further research is necessary to explore the app’s effectiveness in different assessment scenarios.