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The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated well understood challenges that exist in our sophisticated health systems. This article discusses how to apply a human factors approach to best respond to the many unprecedented challenges that have been brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic to the healthcare system.


Alagha, M. Abdulhadi MD, MSc, MMEd∗; Jaulin, Francois MD, MSc†,‡; Yeung, Wesley MBBS§,∥; Celi, Leo Anthony MD, MPH, MS§,¶; Cosgriff, Christopher V. MD, MPH∗∗; Myers, Laura C. MD, MPH†† Patient Harm During COVID-19 Pandemic: Using a Human Factors Lens to Promote Patient and Workforce Safety, Journal of Patient Safety: March 2021 - Volume 17 - Issue 2 - p 87-89 doi: 10.1097/PTS.0000000000000798