Tools and Resources[ Show all or clear results ]

A procedure that has been shown by research and experience to produce optimal results and that is established or proposed as a standard suitable for widespread adoption.

Web resource/Digital Article
General website that contains CRP related information, may be non-specific or general or mixed resources on a website. Article published on-line. Not available as paper version.
Virtual lecture hall: The human side of medical errors

The Virtual Lecture Hall offers a two-hour course called Human Side of Medical Errors, which will effectively teach participants how to make ethical decisions when providing medical services to colleagues or loved ones, as well as how to constructively respond to a patient’s emotional reaction after they were involved an adverse incident.


Reference to primary CRP related organization (e.g. CAI website)
Washington Foundation for Health Care Quality

The Foundation for Health Care Quality is a Seattle-based nonprofit foundation that offers third party sources to everyone involved in healthcare, including physicians, patients, government organizations, and payers. The institution offers various resources to promote healthcare quality and patient care, such as assessment and communication-and-resolution (CPP) programs.