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Communication-and-resolution programs (CRPs) are used by healthcare providers, administrators, and insurers to effectively communicate with and apologize to patients in the wake of adverse incidents; to investigate the occurrence; and offer compensation if appropriate. Researchers examined the effects of CRPs in two community hospitals and two academic medical centers in Massachusetts. They analyzed surveys and recorded data gathered by program members and clinicians at the hospitals. Researchers concluded, that CRPs are effective in increasing patient safety, but there were some barriers in implementing these programs. Barriers included lack of patient participation in disclosing data, as well as some compensation needs not being fulfilled.


Mello, Michelle, et al. “Outcomes In Two Massachusetts Hospital Systems Give Reason For Optimism About Communication-And-Resolution Programs.” Health Affairs, vol. 36, no. 10, Oct. 2017, pp. 1795–1803., doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2017.0320.